3 Unexpected Reasons Your Singing Career Hasn’t Had A Breakthrough
No matter how talented you are, your singing career might be on the brink of a breakthrough, yet you’re still struggling to make it big.
In this post, I’m sharing with you 3 unexpected reasons why your singing career hasn’t had the breakthrough you desire, as well as what to do to fix that.
1. You have difficulty choosing songs that showcase your strengths
If you’ve ever watched American Idol or The Voice, you know that song choice can make or break a singer’s chances of success.
The biggest mistake singers so often make is prioritizing showing versatility in their singing over showing their strengths. They’ll choose a song that shows how many things they can do rather than that one thing they do the very best.
While it may seem like a good idea to show judges or casting directors how versatile you are, versatility isn’t what wins over an audience. Instead, you want to sing songs that showcase your strengths.
One singer might be the best at emotional power ballads while another singer might be the best at telling funny, engaging stories. If you’re the singer who is amazing at power ballads, you’re going to fail miserably if you try to do what the singer who tells funny stories does best.
What do you do so incredibly well in your singing and performing? Whatever it is, prioritize showcasing THAT.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re competing, auditioning, or performing with a band; the easiest way to make the biggest impact is to present what you do the best, EVERY TIME you’re in front of an audience of decision makers.
For instance, if a casting director is looking for a specific actor for a specific role, showing that casting director any variation outside of the role they’re looking for isn’t going to move you to the top of the headshot pile. But going in and showing them that you are that character they’re searching for, is what wins you the role.
2. You’re secretly sabotaging your desires of having a major singing career
You have big aspirations for your singing career. But when you run into challenges or setbacks, you have the tendency to lower your expectations.
There’s no doubt that there will be many challenges on your road to having the singing career you want, but those challenges don’t need to stop you.
The best solution to combat your fears and doubts is to get the support of a coach.
When you feel tempted to lower your goals and settle for something less, is when your coach will be there to not let you sabotage your desires.
As a coach, it’s not only my honor, but my job, to hold your goal up high where you can’t knock it down or lower your expectations. While there are many factors that go into whether you achieve that goal, one thing is for sure—you achieve MORE when you don’t settle for less.
Even if you don’t reach that big goal you set for yourself, having a coach who keeps challenging you, pushing you, and encouraging you, will help you achieve more than you thought possible.
As a coach, I won’t let you lower your goals. I will be in your corner rooting for you, knowing that you can achieve the big singing career you desire.
3. You’re vocally limited in the songs you can sing
I’ve never met a singer who didn’t have a list of “goal songs.”
So many singers feel limited in the songs they’re able to sing because there’s much misinformation out there about singing. They learn the wrong techniques that hurt their voices and, as a result, feel like there are some songs they just “can’t” sing.
I’m here to tell you that you can sing ANY SONG YOU WANT, without feeling vocally limited in what you’re able to sing.
My patent-pending vocal method, Unlimited Vocal Health™ teaches singers my three-step system for singing healthily, powerfully, and without limits to range, vocal breaks, power, style, or endurance.
When you learn how to sing with Unlimited Vocal Health™, there’s not one song that you’re not able to sing.
And when you have that kind of unlimited power, you’re able to take your singing career to unimagined heights.
Wanna know the POWER of singing the right way? Spent 3 hours at the studio… I sang super difficult songs consecutively: Never Enough (The Greatest Showman soundtrack) 3 times, I Have Nothing (Whitney Houston) 2 1/2 times, Barracuda (Heart) 2 times, River Deep (Celine Dion) 2 times, I’ll Never Let You Go (Steelheart) 2 times.
… This ain’t your “Mary Had a Little Lamb” set of songs here. Most would agree that all of these are really vocally challenging songs to execute.
Guess what? I didn’t need any breaks and I still have plenty of voice left to sing a bunch more right now.
THANK YOU Katti Power for the tools to let me accomplish that and more!

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