Your POWER Type Assessment (Junior Edition!) Step 1 of 8 12% We all perform POWERFULLY in different ways. Take my short quiz to uncover your POWER Type so you know how to show up POWERFULLY and influence an audience. Enter your name and email below to begin!Name(Required) First Email(Required) What inspires you to audition or perform? To show the world who I am To share my story To experience an imaginary world To inspire audiences You're walking on stage in front of the biggest audience you've ever seen. What's going through your mind? I'm going to show 'em what I got. I hope they like me. I'm both curious and excited. This all better go to plan. What is your greatest strength in auditioning or performing? I'm totally comfortable with being myself. I never give up. I amaze the audience with wonder. I feel confident; I rarely or never get stage fright. I'm a source of strength for others. I will blow your mind! You've never seen anyone like me. What is your biggest fear about auditioning or performing? Being like everyone else; I'm an original Not being able to pull it off Things won't go as I expect/want The possibility of losing control Not feeling appreciated Losing my inspiration What is your greatest strength in auditioning or performing? My excitement lights up a room. I can make people laugh. A lot. I'm a team player. Others can always count on me. I'm good at learning and getting better. My happy smile and bubbly personality. I can become whatever I want to be. What is your biggest fear about auditioning or performing? Not being liked. Being boring. Having the spotlight on me. Not being understood. The audience not liking me. Doing the same thing someone else did. How would your best friend describe you? She is so unique - no one is like her! She has such determination and star quality. She has this unreal quality about her that I can't describe, but it's magnetic. How would your best friend describe you? She puts her whole heart into it. She makes me laugh; I could watch her all day. She is amazing and I don't think she has any idea how great she is. How would your best friend best describe you? She is so put together; she really knows what she's doing. She is such a go-getter and it comes through in all she does. She tells such a cool story; I'm so interested in what she has to say. How would your best friend best describe you? She is a real powerhouse. She just makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over. She's so imaginative and her creativity shows up in everything she does. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ
No joke, Katti Power is a complete and utter bad ass. She’ll turn you into one as well if you give her the chance.
I can sing higher again and I’m more confident in my belting abilities, as well as my breath support!
I use to think my voice just couldn’t sing certain notes in certain ways, but that is completely false! I wish I had known these techniques back when I was struggling and performing every day. And knowing how to sing in my uncomfortable areas without hurting my voice is amazing. I feel like I could sing almost anything now!!
Katti…helped me realize that my voice will always be there, and I just need to trust that it knows what to do. The biggest change was our work with how forward my belt is going. I had learned how to do it before, but something wasn’t clicking for me to keep it forward. Katti listened to my fear about having true power in my voice and allowed me to have a safe place to start the work to let myself be heard. I ended up belting a note I had tried to… belt for 10 years!
Now that I have had that hour session I know how to overcome my straining and relax my throat when singing up high. The way Katti teaches, the illustrations she gives, and the exercises she uses help me to understand in a way I’d never thought about before…Knowing how quickly she fixed my problem, I feel extremely confident that she would be able to help anyone else…
I feel like I finally learned the secret of singing I’ve been looking for all my life! I always felt like my teachers didn’t quite “get” my voice and there was something either I really wasn’t getting or they really were not teaching. Now I know what it is! Thank you Katti!!
[Katti] is the best singing coach I've ever had. I love working with her because she's so supportive, she has such a great ear, and she can get to the heart of any of my problems right away. She's positive, very knowledgeable, and most of all - one of the biggest reasons I would highly recommend Katti is that she's a great human being.
I’m really not sure where I would be without you. You have given me such confidence in so many areas and have given me the skills to take my performing to the next level.
I’m singing songs I did not think I would ever be able to sing!
Katti Power is bar-none, hands-down, one of the very best voice teachers out there. I’ve been singing for 23 years, and have had several teachers over the years, from NYC to LA. Many of my teachers have been good, but I learned more in one lesson with Katti than I did several months with other teachers.
Katti is BRILLIANT!!! I never thought I would be able to belt, but I was definitely proven wrong! Thanks to my ONE LESSON with Katti I have just landed a role in “Shout! The Mod Musical” and will be healthily belting my face off!
Katti is an unforgettable voice instructor. I came to Katti when I was 18 years old because I wanted to improve my musical theatre sound. I had absolutely no clue how to belt before beginning [Unlimited Vocal Health™] and when I graduated from Circle in the Square Theatre School in New York City four years later, I was the top belter in my class. The more lessons I took the more my confidence as a singer and an all around performer grew.
Thank you so much for believing in me and for helping me become who I am today… You changed my life Katti.
I’m so excited – I got the role I told you I was called back for (the initial audition consisted of a monologue and my singing “That’s Rich,” which I had worked with you in my VIP session)! Thank you so much, Katti, for your training! I’m thrilled, and will continue to make the efforts to sing without fear and apply the proper technique so I can sing without getting fatigued.
Thank you, Katti. I’ve learned so much from you; no words can express my gratitude!
I believe you can always improve your craft, so for the past few years I’ve been working with internationally acclaimed vocal teacher Katti Power.
I’m most excited to know the difference between legit and belt voice and practice choosing how to sing and speak intentionally in a way that is healthiest for me.
I had the honor of working with Katti right before the Talent Quest National Competition. In only a few short lessons she had me miles above where I started out. Her methods help you stretch your range while keeping your vocal health. She continuously helped me get better each time we met.