Losing Your Voice Is NOT Inevitable
Vocal loss, fatigue, and pain should NEVER happen to you. Start singing as long and as loud as you want without suffering the consequences of voice loss. Learn how to sing healthily, POWERFULLY, and without limits to range, vocal breaks, power, style, or endurance.
Applications are no longer being accepted for this case study
To learn more about Katti Power and the services she offers, click here. Those of you that are ready to discuss working with her, please schedule your Power Up Session here.
Join our Facebook group for singers here.
Recommended by 100% of singers
Here’s how the 2018 Case Study participants responded to the question: If someone you cared about was considering paying to participate in something like you just experienced, what feedback would you give them about it?
To do it!! If they are serious about improving their vocal ability, I would 100% advice them to invest in this.

It’s life changing. And just know that the outcome depends on how committed you are.

DO IT. Absolutely do it.

I’ve already done this and I’ve told them that this will help them reach heights of their voice and self care to their voice so they can sing whenever they want.

Pushing through fear and nerves, but that is something that gets less and less an issue the more I practice and use the techniques that will give me the sound I want without hurting my vocal cords.

What is POWER Up with Total Vocal Health™?
POWER Up with Total Vocal Health™ is a 5-week Sing Without Limits Case Study starting May 24, 2021. Any singer who has experienced voice loss, fatigue or pain, or who battles vocal health issues is welcome to apply.
Over the course of 5-weeks, vocal health expert and coach, Katti Power will teach and demonstrate her Total Vocal Health™ method that teaches singers how to sing as loud and as long as you want without suffering any consequences.

Does it cost anything to join?
No, there’s no cost to join. All I ask is for your permission to record and use the footage my marketing in exchange for your full participation and feedback.
Why is it by application only?
This is available by application-only because I want to make sure a) I’m working with the people who need it the most, and b) I’m only working with people who are committed to doing the work assigned.
Who is Katti Power?
Katti Power is a 2-time World Champion Coach, vocal health expert, performance master and international best-selling author. She is passionate about arming singers with the tools to overcome their fears and insecurities to go on to achieve their biggest vocal goals. She is the creator of the Total Vocal Health SystemTM , the POWER Master Performance MethodTM and is the coach to the 2018 KWC World Champion and 2019 i-Sing World Champion.
Sing Long. Sing Loud.
No Consequences.
I’ll teach you my Total Vocal Health™ method in 5 group sessions. For each session, we’ll have a follow-up Master Class for you to implement the technique. We’ll also start out with a Kickoff Call and end with a Celebration Call.
Applications are no longer being accepted for this case study
To learn more about Katti Power and the services she offers, click here. Those of you that are ready to discuss working with her, please schedule your Power Up Session here.
Join our Facebook group for singers here.
The difference of singing with Total Vocal Health™
Here’s how the 2018 Case Study participants responded to the question: Is there a noticeable difference in your singing now from when we first started?
YES! I can actually belt! I have more breath support and can really focus my sound. My voice use to get horse at the end of singing songs like Hello by Adele and Hurt by Christina Aguilera, but now I blow them both out of the water, and don’t feel the vocal pain I used to.

I am so much more aware of my belt and mix now, and was shocked when I was hitting notes I never thought I could touch. This has been very eye-opening for me.

Yes – I have less fear belting, so I belt lots more (and HIGH)! I am working on my legit/mix which is super rewarding. (and HARD)

Noticeable for sure in the placement of where I’m signing my high notes so I’m not feeling them deep in my chest but up in the front of my mouth.

I can get back to my high side of my register. I’ve been able to switch back and forth in some of my favorites. Less holes. Less squeaks.

NEVER Lose Your Voice Again
The only singers who experience limitation are the ones who are NOT practicing vocal health. Be part of this revolutionary case study and watch your own limitations disappear into nothingness.
Applications are no longer being accepted for this case study
To learn more about Katti Power and the services she offers, click here. Those of you that are ready to discuss working with her, please schedule your Power Up Session here.
Join our Facebook group for singers here.

I’m immensely passionate about arming singers with the technique to overcome vocal health limitations. I can’t wait to help you achieve Total Vocal Health™.
Let’s do this.